Published on October 01, 2024



West Springfield, MA:  Several specialty waste events will be held in West Springfield in the coming weeks, many of which will be free for residents to take advantage of.  

On Saturday, October 5, 2024, West Springfield Helping Hands will host an electronics recycling event as well as a shredding event in the parking lot of the West Springfield Town Hall, 26 Central Street, West Springfield.  The event will run from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and no advance registration is necessary.  The fees to recycle electronics are: $5/each for small electronics, $10-$35/each for appliances and $25-$40/each for televisions.

On Saturday, October 12, 2024, the Town is hosting a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day, which will be held in the DPW Yard, located at 430 Westfield Street, West Springfield.  Advance registration is required for this event; please visit https://www.townofwestspringfield.org/HHW for the link to register.  There is no cost to West Springfield residents for this event.

Additionally, yard waste collection by the Town’s trash contractor, USA Hauling, will begin the week of October 13, 2024 and continue through the week of December 8, 2024.  Yard waste will be collected on the same day as your trash, on the opposite week from your recycling collection (i.e., on the week that you put only your trash out, you can also put out yard waste next to the trash bin for collection). Yard waste must be in compostable bags or separate barrels; it cannot be placed in your regular trash or recycling bins or in plastic bags.  No logs, stumps, stone, dirt or debris can be included with the yard waste.  Loose brush and branches must be tied in bundles no larger than four (4) feet by four (4) feet.  Residents of West Springfield can also always drop off yard waste free of charge at K&W Materials and Recycling, located at 138 Palmer Avenue, West Springfield; proof of residency is required.

For more information about the Helping Hands event on October 5, please contact Dori Hayes at (413) 733-3843 or Richard Peck at (413) 244-1389.  For more information about household hazardous waste collection or yard waste collection, please contact the Department of Public Works at (413) 263-3242.



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