The Town of West Springfield strives to use sound business judgment in all procurement transactions, so that supplies, equipment, construction, and services are obtained efficiently and economically and in compliance with applicable state and federal laws, and that all procurement transactions will be conducted in a manner that provides full and open competition.
Purchasing Goals of the Town of West Springfield
- To procure materials, supplies, equipment, and services at the lowest possible cost consistent with the quality necessary for the proper operation of the various departments, thereby attaining the maximum value for each public dollar spent;
- To maintain the Town’s reputation for fairness and integrity to promote impartial and equal treatment to all who wish to conduct business with the Town; and
- To encourage a mutually cooperative relationship with requesting departments recognizing that successful purchasing is a result of team planning and effort.
Responsibilities of the Purchasing Department
- Implements and administers the purchasing policies and practices of the city
- Provides procurement support to city departments and commissions
- Coordinates the disposal of surplus property and supplies
- Verifies that purchases of goods and services are made in accordance with applicable laws and ordinances
- Ensures that all purchases are obtained in the best interest of the city
- Maintains procurement records in accordance with MGL c30B, MGL c149, MGL c30§39M
The Town of West Springfield distributes all bid documents electronically through our website. This centralized system allows the Town of West Springfield to post all information needed by vendors regarding bids, requests for proposals, addenda, and awards. This system also saves the Town (and our vendors) time and money by reducing printing, postage, and mailing costs.
We appreciate your interest in doing business with the Town of West Springfield.