Water Division

Our Water Source

In 2019 the DPW supplied a total of 1.24 billion gallons of treated drinking water to the town. The primary source of our drinking water is four wells located in Southwick, MA. The raw water is pumped from the Great Brook section of Barne’s Aquifer and delivered to the town’s treatment plant, which consists of 12 filtration vessels, each holding 20,000 pounds of granular activated carbon (GAC). The GAC removes impurities from the well water before it is sent to the town distribution system. To guarantee the water is free of coliform, it is treated with calcium hypochlorite before it leaves the treatment plant.
The town has interconnections with Springfield Water and Sewer Commission (SWSC) drinking water source. The SWSC water source is a surface supply known as Cobble Mountain Reservoir, located in Blandford. The reservoir water flows by gravity to a treatment facility in Westfield.

The water quality of our system is continuously monitored by the Town of West Springfield DPW Water Division, Mass DEP, and U.S. EPA to determine the effectiveness of existing water treatment and if any additional treatment is required.

Drought Status

Click here for the latest Massachusetts Drought Information


  • For further information on water conservation and what residents and communities can do, visit the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs’ drought page and water conservation pages.

Water Main Flushing

No interruption of water service is expected during the flushing program. Some consumers may experience temporary discoloration and low water pressure to their home or place of business. If residents experience any change in water quality after the flushing is complete or have questions about the program, they should contact Deputy Director of Water Michael O'Connell at(413) 263-3230.