Contributory Retirement Board

The West Springfield Retirement System is governed by Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 32 and reports to the Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission (PERAC) as the regulatory authority. All City of West Springfield and West Springfield Housing Authority employees who meet eligibility requirements, except certified teachers, are members of the system.

There are approximately 625 active, 475 retirees/survivors and 275 inactive members in the system.

The West Springfield Contributory Retirement System is administered by the West Springfield Retirement Board that meets regularly on the last Tuesday of the month.


Mission Statement

The staff is responsible for maintaining all current member and retiree accounts, retiree payroll, accounting of all financial transactions, investment activity and government reporting. In addition we hold an open door policy, where we welcome and encourage any member seeking education, advice or guidance regarding their retirement account to come in for individual counseling.

For more information regarding the West Springfield Contributory Retirement System please go to the Retirement Board Information page on the PERAC website.